Dieburg, 25 January: On Friday, 31 January 2025, 18:30, Dieburg’s Museum Schloss Fechenbach will open its doors for the visitors of a special vernissage: It invites you to experience an innovative blend of media, art, technology and community collaboration in the exhibition “Encounters in Dieburg – StadtWerkstatt Medien 2025”. From 31 January – 2 February 2025, this short but unique exhibition offers a journey into the creative intersections of society, technology and media culture.
For the exhibition ‘Encounters in Dieburg – StadtWerkstatt Medien 2025’, Dieburgers and Master students of Dieburg Mediacampus collaborated on a Social Media Sculpture that wants to bring together the essence of community. The students from the Master’s program International Media Cultural Work from h_da, gave spontaneous media art workshops to the passers-by which took place in the town market at the beginning of December 2024. There the participants joined IMC students in a hands-on creative process. Encounters in Dieburg presents a collection of an extended collaborative, multimedia sculptures.
The resulting artworks will be the focus of this exhibition, inviting visitors to explore a world where media, art, technology and community get into dialogue.
Through visually and aurally rich installations, the exhibition creates a dynamic virtual space where visitors can engage with cultural, social and political issues. It’s not just a showcase – it’s an interactive experience that encourages participation and reflection, continuing the collaborative spirit that inspired these works.
This unique exhibition is the culmination of months of collaboration between IMC Masters students, under the guidance of Prof. Sabine Breitsameter and Klaus Schüller, M.A., and the people of Dieburg. Presented in partnership with Museum Schloss Fechenbach Dieburg, it’s an opportunity for art lovers, technologists and anyone curious about the intersection of media, technology and culture.
Vernissage: 31 January 2025, 18:30
Fri, 31 Jan – Sun, 2 Feb 2025
Museum Schloss Fechenbach, Dieburg, Germany
For further information, please contact:
IMC PR team Email: imcpressinfo@gmail.com
Website: medienkultur.eu
Max-Planck-Straße 2, 64807 Dieburg
+49 06151 5335000
© 2024 TMCP – Winter Semester – International Media Cultural Work (IMC).